Thursday, June 10, 2010

NHM London plans closure of Micropal Research

Sign the E-Petition against the closure plans.

The Natural History Museum London plans to close down its Micropaleontological Research due to budget cuts pronounced by the British Government.

The British Government has spend billions of pounds to help british banks in their risky business. Now they are planing a cut of expenses such as for museums. The NHM trustees and department heads reacted with a financial plan to close the Research on Micropaleontology. Collections shall not be affected.

Read the whole story at NHM Paleonet

Read Nature News on this topic

A petition is under way to bring this sad issue to the public and change plans.

1 comment:

  1. Signed. (hope they don't mind pseudonyms - think my alias is better known than real name anyway...)

    Sad news indeed. Why can't they just cut the bland stuff like whales and dinosaurs? Every place has bones. Not every place has microfossils and is involved in micropaleontol research.

    Though considering our local university biodiversity museum fails to incorporate proper diversity despite us being one of the hotspots of eukaryotic microbiology...not holding my hopes too high for this one =/

    I'll post this on my blog in bit - hope that can help a little!



    PS: owes me quite a few hours of spent time =P
